The New York Group offers scalable workplace communication solutions to improve the transfer of knowledge and information throughout our clients' organizations. From launch of marketing initiatives and sales promotions to educational insights and customer and staff success stories, The New York Group assists clients in achieving higher organizational performance and employee satisfaction using internal collaterals, in person training, online webinars, productivity enhancements through technology and team building events. "Internal marketing" should be viewed by executive management with the same high regard as customer communications.
use the power of the cloud to provide branding and content resources for sales teams and independent contractors
use collaterals, training sessions, technology and team building events to increase productivity
plan on and off site events to build skills, collaboration, esteem and a positive organizational culture
develop employee achievement programs that motivate and incentize productivity
brand the look and feel of your organization’s documents, presentations and terminology
garner brand awareness and inpsire employees to get involved with community initiatives and non-profit organizations
internal communications keep employees engaged and informed through success stories, milestone achievements and future plans
your talent acquisition, human resource outreach and core values are all influenced by your brand’s affinity
Marketing Strategy
Sales Enablement
Creative + Content
Digital + Social
Publicity + Events
Multi-Channel Synergy
Smart Marketing Tech
Video Engagement
Conversational Sales
Customer Targeting
Loyalty + Referrals
Customer Experience
Satisfaction Snapshots
Customer Retention
Staff Empowerment
©1995-2024 All rights reserved. The New York Group is a proud member of the "Made In NY” community and the NYC Chamber of Commerce.